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If God loves us, & it is Written in the Bible, is there any reason to fear?
Then why do we?
I asked Papa God if Corona Virus/Covid 19 was like the snake in the Garden of Eden, in the book of Genesis, with Adam & Eve. You can ask the Lord too, & when He tells you the connections, there is no more fear!
Welcome to Perfect LOVE Casts Out Fear,to have the Abundant Life the Lord Wants You to Have!
Like with any relationship, you have to work at it. I didn't know what that meant until now. Now that I don't have most people so many distractions, that the Lord has had me kind of like on a sabbatical, now that it is mostly me and Him, mano y mano, I am loving it! I think this awareness may help some people. I think that we learn what we learn, everything going in our senses and our noodle (brain), with our own perceptions associations where some are scary and some are pleasant. This is the basis to why it is good to ask Papa God everything. I know that I can trust Him, & He is explaining so much to me now that I am listening better. Now that my pastors & leadership helped & prayed for me to get closer to Papa God. When I make the effort to be respectful & acknowledge His Presence, in me, as His Holy Spirit, when I hear Him answer (John 14:26), I can hardly contain my joy that just wells up inside, waiting for the green light answer! This is a new website for me so I will be trying to revamp it better. To hopefully help a little with this understanding that the Lord has shown me! Hope it helps to hear the Lord's understanding so you don't have any brain pain like I did for all these years.The good News is: All things are in the Lord's Timing! JESUS IS IN THE HOUSE! THE BEST IS YET TO COME! GET READY CHURCH FAMILY! IT'S ENDTIMES! THE END OF SUFFERING OF NOT BELIEVING THE LORD GOD LOVES YOU! BELIEVE!
This is called Natural Revelation in nature. God talking to you will be Special Revelation. Everyone has Faith, but we pick up on each others' errors and sins. The prince of the air wants to make you feel bad, so if you do, ask Papa God what the lie is, what memory, then what His Truth is. Wa La. Pure Joy! But don't be upset if you ask and have to wait. Remember, the Lord doesn't have the same time frame, & He knows when things will work out for your good. That's Romans 8:28. If you start to get grouchy, ask Papa what's wrong. Use the traffic light or referree signals for decision making. You will be blessed knowing Papa has your back!
I go to any and all services, listen to sermons at home, worship music in the car, radio on in two rooms that will have just the song I need to hear, Bibles throughout to read, books of inspirational pastors and I pray that I can be just like them. And I type as much as I can hearing what Papa God wants me to write. I take notes in Church. Just a few ways I prioritize my relationship with the Lord. Look for the Lord's non verbal communication & ask Him to clarify. Ask Him if the sermons are different than what you remember & why. Always be open to listening for His Voice coming through parallel messages. Enjoy!
Movement is important. Fun is important. Fellowship where those who are more spiritual than you, closer to the Lord, can raise up the notch to get you closer with Limbic Resonance. Lift your hands in Worship, sway to the music, jump for joy! Kneel prostrate if you can get up again! Likewise, look for the hurting person. They need love. Grouchy scary people cause they are hurting. Be Compassionate like Jesus is with you. Say a positive thing & rejoice always, again I say rejoice. This raises the Love Hertz to drown out the darkness hurts. Remember, you have Jesus in you that can do all things lovin on you & the other He puts near you. Enjoy. Boomerange Prayers, two for the price of One.
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Now this is part of the big discovery with how we have problems and racism and unkind statements. I am thinking that we all have sinned, all maybe not fully believing in our heart that the Lord God loves us. That's Perfect Love for you because God doesn't control us and gives us freedom. So, like Adam blamed Eve, one of the 1st uses of defense mechanisms, why? I say because the Snake in the Grass was giving off that spirit of fear frequency, making mangled neural pathways in Adams brain. And then Eve was talking to the snake, the devil, who is the author of confusion, right? My problem was that I didn't know I was confused until my pastors and leadership started to pray for me and get that Love frequency up so that I started to recognize the hurtful hertz of lies, told the Devil to shut up, yes, pretty rude, and acknowledged the presence of Abbah and quoted the scripture, "for there is no guilt or condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." And such joy, such relief. Try it. If you feel bad, tell the devil to get behind the church (I am more calm now!) and then acknowledge the presence of the Lord who is in you, and "Greater is He that is in you than He who is in the World." (1 So, 4:4)