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This is my testimony of prophecy. That I hope to explain what I have learned about our need to have Intimacy with the Lord 1st, so we can be so filled up with His Perfect Love, nothing else matters. Then I have learned to love unconditionally like He, though I am not perfect, I feel so much joy and peace and believe that I am loved, despite not having any of the things that I thought would make me happy.  I believe that this is Papa's Plan for His Church, because united we stand, divided we fall. I can do all things in Christ, & can do nothing without Him. I believe we all are doing a good job, but we need to return to our 1st Love, the Lord, to put His Desires for One Family, to be more filled with His Joy & Passion, for the Lost, the lonely, the poor, the broken hearted, those who are oppressed by the Devil. Then we can humbly pray, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will Be Done, On Earth as it is in Heaven. It is about maturing and putting Papa God's desires, emotions, Will,& Thoughts, 1st, before what I want and before what I think.  I believe that is what I have been learning the past 3 years, watching, waiting, praying, studying, writing, learning how to truly Worship. I have learned one thing as I tried to intentional love towards the Lord, trying to be obedient to what He was telling me. I am blessed to be a blessing.  So I have returned to my 1st love, that I call the 2nd Heaven. That is an Intimate Relationship with Jesus, as in the Promised Land.  Jesus has awakened me, and is resurrected out of the tomb of my heart and given me a heart of flesh, with a fire passion to serve Him & others who are lost.  It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.  I am like so many of the characters in the Bible, as the Holy Spirit brings to mind, everything that Jesus has taught me.  I am like St. Paul, where the Lord is removed the scales of legalism off my eyes.  I am like  Peter, who the Lord has awakened, to see Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane as  the lost in this world need healing. If I continue to prioritize money, mammon, or stuff, over a brother or sister who is dying from hunger, I am grieving the Holy Spirit and must ask for Mercy & compassion, to know that Papa God desires that no one will perish. So in returning to my 1st love, who has revealed that I am to  ask what He desires, that I am  honoring & respecting Him to "get to" feel such love in His Presence, that I am washed perfectly by His Love, His Perfect Love that drives out all fear.  I pray that "You will be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth, and length and height and depth of the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of Him be Glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever Amen. "  Are you ready for the Wedding Feast of the Lamb? This Intimacy with the Lord has no comparison in this world.  Jesus is in the House. Lets get ready Church Family. It's Time.  There is nothing like feeling so In Love with the Lord & to be in harmony with Him. This is so exciting. All we have to do is be in agreement, our soul with the Soul of the Father, and be Jesus in disguise, to help prepare the Kingdom.  The Holy Spirit of God is calling you.  Jesus is in the House.  Are you ready? Shalom & Joy!


My mission is simple. I had asked the Lord what Pastor wanted me to know as I asked him to pray for me to be able to do marriage ministry.  And then I compared pastor being so close to the Lord and sacrificing for me, in pain, and why I was in pain concerned about my family in pain. And so the difference now that I see, is that before marriage, it is better to have that intimacy with the Lord, or we don't know how to have intimacy with another person.  If I don't know or believe fully that the Lord God loves me, that is where the pain comes from, with the enemy out there, the Prince of the Air who comes to kill, steal and destroy families.  And so now that I have that intimate relationship with the Lord, I can rest & pray & obey knowing that the Lord has turned all my evil to good. That He promised me that He would restore what the locusts have eaten. And I believe my calling, my mission, is to encourage this intimate communion with returning to our 1st Love, like the Church in Ephesus.  I am filled with such gratitude and love for my pastors at, and know that their intimate relationship with the Lord has guided me closer to Him. It is unbelievable, and you cannot imagine this Perfect Love, until you get here. so please believe me, because I know I can prove the Truth of Our Lord and answer the question of Theodicy. Because the Lord wants all of His Children to know how great the Father's love is for us, one by one, which is the reason that Jesus died for us. I will be making this into a business also, my Father's business to raise money to pay my debt and to donate the rest to the Church to help the poor as I am able, by His Grace.  I hope you catch the passion that I have for the Lord, there is none like Him.                              Shalom & Joy, Peaches  

Family Meal
Wedding Table


All my values come from the Bible, the inerrant Word of the Lord, & I am proof that it was inspired, because I write what I hear with studying the Bible and asking for clarification, as we are suppose to do with any Interpersonal Communication. The neat part is that the Lord, who is in us, His Thoughts higher than our thoughts, are about my Intrapersonal Communication with Him.  . I hope to write a book on why it is proof of being inspired by God. And so I recommend that if you want real zest in your life, if you are just passing through, read the Word of God & ask Him what He means to tell you.  I am so enamored with Him, I love listening to Him all the time, and ask Him questions all the time. This is my understanding of how to resolve everyone being tempted like Jesus in the desert. Prestige, Power & Possessions.  a paragraph. We all are equal then why do some have so much more than others? I think this is a dangerous thought to think the Utilitarianism theory of you do good you get good. you work hard and you can get ahead.  Immanuel Kant, the great philosopher didn't think that is right, because there are too many variables. I agree. What I also have found is that the Lord wants to have me ask things from Him, so when He answers my prayers, I feel loved that He is paying attention to me, unlike most other people in my life who treat me like I am invisible. But He said that is how most people treat Him too, and so I know His hurts   The Bible is God's Law on how to Love.  I am sorry but I fail the standard.  So  I am nothing but a white washed Pharisee, a worse sinner than St. Paul, no better than anyone else. And I know how the enemy works outside of the church in the world, and our need to protect the lost from the Devil.  So what if all those crimes are inspired by the Devil playing mind games on those like myself? where his presence is so painful, it makes a person just want to medicate? What if a person could hypnotize someone into doing evil? And so I have heard that maybe the Devil could have such strongholds in people's thinking that by the power of suggestion, we could cause an offense, or get offended?  And now I know why the Lord wants me to bless those who curse me: that when some one is sinning, it is because they are hurting and don't know the Lord. So if I pray for them, if I wash their feet with humility & kindness, submitting to the Lord in Love, to honor Him, I know that He is so happy with my obedience  of love, like how Jesus learned obedience of love from suffering, that  to not know the Lord intimately, for me has been like a Hell. Now that I know the 2nd Heaven is attainable here on Earth, in that intimate relationship with Him, that is my testimony. That is my desire, that lines up with the Lord's desires, since it is written.  So please try it.  You have nothing to lose. Talk to the Lord, and ask Him to take your pain away. I will hopefully start a class on the process of discerning, wisdom and knowledge gifts of the Holy Spirit. Our Lord loves you deeply. Just ask Him & be still, & know He is God . Shalom & Joy to you.   Peaches

Doing Homework

Matthew 22:37-39

"You shall love the Lord with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your soul. And the 2nd is like it; Youhsall love your neighbor as you love yourself."  

Newlywed Couple

Genesis 2:24

"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."

Woman in Wheelchair Drinking Coffee

2Corinthians 3:18

"We all who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's Glory, are being transformed into His Image, from glory to glory just as by the Spirit of the Lord" .

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